For-Credit Academic Courses Taught

Taught Over 100 For-Credit Courses at Harvard University, UCLA, UCI, UCSD, Denver U.

Harvard University
Teaching Fellow at Harvard University Extension & the Summer School of Arts & Sciences under the supervision of Harvard's Dr. Henry Leitner
e-Business, SPM, Networking: UCLA, UC-Irvine, UC-San Diego
Taught as Adjunct Faculty & Sr. Lecturer, campus-based for-credit academic courses as well as for-credit, Custom Corporate Courses – taught online & on Corporate sites such as Boeing, Raytheon, Edison & Other corporations
Back-end Servers, Architecture & Infrastructure UCLA/UCSD/UCI
Web Server Technologies for Web Professionals, Introduction to .NET Enterprise Servers, An Overview of Microsoft Commerce Server 2000 and BizTalk
E-Business & E-Commerce UCLA/UCSD/UCI
Building a Robust E-Business Site: Web Architecture and Infrastructure Overview of Back-End Systems for E-Business Building an E-Business: Integrating E-Commerce into Internal Business Operations
Web Development UCLA/UCSD/UCI
Next-Generation Web Development with Microsoft's .NET Enterprise Servers and Tools Developing .NET Advanced Visual Basic: Database and ActiveX Programming Advanced Web Site Development with Microsoft Visual InterDev
Programming Languages UCLA/UCSD/UCI
Server Side Programming with ASP & Visual Studio Developing .NET Solutions with C# Fundamentals of C Programming Fundamentals of C++: Online Intermediate Object Oriented Programming with Microsoft Visual J++
Open-Source Technologies UCLA/UCSD/UCI
XML Applications Development XHTML I Advanced XML and ASP for Windows-Based E-Business Applications Using XML for Universal B-to-B Data Exchange Visual Modeling with Integrated Computer Assisted Software Engineering (I-CASE) Tools
Educational Technology, Software Project Mgmt., Office
Computers in the Classroom Software Project Management Adavanced Computers in the Classroom Microsoft Excel for the Enterprise Using Microsoft Access Microsoft VBA for programming UTSTARCOM Program UCLA: Management of Information Systems
Digital Marketing (Private Industry)
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and PPC Google Adwords Workshop Facebook & Instagram Workshop Social Media Marketing Online Reputation Management (ORM)
University Courses